Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Looking For Pennies…

In this economy, everything we focus on should be with the thought of economizing! Yes, it’s true. This word has now become a part of my daily vocabulary. As we constantly focus on more ways to save money, maybe we should just simply dumb it down a bit. Like many of you, I remember all of the ‘careless’ days of spending money just because we could. Now, things are so different. You really have to evaluate if your purchase is a need or a necessity. Isn’t it amazing how fast things can change?

Years ago, I used to see my daddy walk around looking at the ground. It seemed a little odd to me at the time. Then, one day I just had to ask: “Daddy, what are you looking for and why are you always looking down at the ground?” He said: “I’m looking for money.” I thought, why in the world would anyone look for money on the ground? Well, as it turns out, my dad told me that many people often throw out their pennies. They’d place them on top of vending machines making no effort to retrieve them, or they’d leave them lying around anywhere. Even though they’re worth one cent, some folks just don’t see a need to keep a bunch of pennies or loose change on their person.

I’m sure many of you remember the old idiom: “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned.” Today, it literally takes one penny at a time to survive in this economy. Today, I’ve adopted the same habit of looking down at the ground. Whenever someone asks me why am I looking at the ground? I simply respond: “I’m looking for pennies.”

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